Why did I make this page?
I made Peeled.moe just to voice my thoughts on Anime and Manga, specifically my interpretation of themes and scenes. Just a heads up, this page will be incredibly selfish. As personally, I don't have an outlet to speak about the majority of the content I consume which is Anime and Manga. So, if you have any opinions or even feedback you would like to share, I would be more than happy to hear it. My contact details will be on the contact tab if you want to say anything!
Just a warning, I will be writing these articles under the assumption that you have read/watched the series I'm talking about but I'll be putting a little spoiler warning before each article at the top.
Some more about me
Just a random kid who's watched/read a lot of Anime and Manga (respectively) growing up. As I've grown up I've watched less but formed more of an opinion about them that I haven't been able to share but would love to share.